Monday, September 7, 2009

UUM-my personal feellings

I am not Good.

By the grace of Allah Iam now good. Three months ago I have happened a tragedy of my fathers died. In evening Enam called and said my dear beloved FATHER no more in this earth ,I never see him , he left me forever. It was 10th august2009 at 2 pm he left us forever. I have nothing to do but only droped water from my eyes and i was also praying and crying to ALLAH, ya allah forgive my father forever because he never harm any body and always to think about the welfare 0f human being for dunia and akhirat. I only cntinuing pray to allah "RABBIR HAM HUMA KAMA RABBAYANY SAGIRA". may allah bless upon him.

let me know

i am fine at uum but a lot of work to do for every teachers.and assignments to do every week.
This a new arena I have joined at UUM 28th july 2009. here educational environment isvery high profile so It was excited for me to be a student for this UUM. when our class started 1st august2009 we were enjoing but when assignment s given started than we got many pressure and every teacher angaged us 24 hours for academic perpose. our field is instructional technology so it also a new concept and new area for us. though we are enjoing but we arein a lot of pressure for prepring power point, article review, journal review and other many assignment to do. It is our investment for quality education.

My dream inmy

this is my first lesson on blogging. I find it very interesting as Ican share my blog with the world.It is fine idea for every kind of communication specially for educational communication which can be helpful for quality education. we have a terget to make sure a blog link for every teacher educators should be ensured in bangladesh. that also can replicate to all kind of students.

There are a lot of scope to share experience through over the world. this kind of learning can be helpful for all teacher educators in teachers training colleges.

Ihope my all colleague will be agree with me. Iwould like to invite all to share with me.
Tank you all.